Getting your stuff: It will be mailed on an ongoing basis as registrations are submitted, starting in mid-late July when the shirts arrive.
TRAIL CHAMPION AWARD (male and female):Complete 25K 4X on trails with 2500+ feet of elevation gain each time and qualify for the TRAIL CHAMPION AWARD (one male, one female). Elevation to be measured ONLY via your Strava activity submission (on to standardize things (yes, I know other devices measure differently sometimes). The participant with the most elevation over the four 25K runs wins, and in the case of a tie, the fastest time (moving time) wins. Please keep your distance as close to 25K as possible each time. It is sometimes easier to run 2500+ feet over longer distance. So please, no significant additional distance because that is not fair to those who push it to get all 2500 feet into 15.5 miles. Also, please no complaining about Strava "shorting" you on elevation. Go for 2600-3000 and you shouldn't have a problem (hint: overachieve)!